German Dictionary

Translation of gargle in German

to gargle     gurgeln

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
He gargled with a solution containing two grams of salt every morning.

Er gurgelte jeden Morgen mit einer Lösung, die zwei Gramm Salz enthielt.

I have the OK. They will make the changes and resend the homework tasks. I think that beginning of July would be a good date to start learning. What do you think? We should not wait too long.
The letter and the date are fine. Let me know how many people are interested. I cannot promise that it will work. The size however is OK. It is worth a trial, maybe even the ones with Spanish words.
We checked in at the huge Hotelasia, close to the Sony center, a large shopping mall, where we planned another shopping spree in the coming two days. We had disgusting dinner at a boring pizza place.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of gargle   [ gargled, gargled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of gurgeln
gurgle  gurgelst  gurgelt  gurgeln  gurgelt  gurgeln  gurgelte  gurgeltest  gurgelte  gurgelten  gurgeltet  gurgelten