German Dictionary

Translation of growl in German

to growl     brummen; knurren

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The dog growled at her grandchildren every time they played hockey.

Der Hund knurrte ihre Enkel jedes Mal an, wenn sie Hockey spielten.
growl murren; brummen
to growl knurren

I have the OK. They will make the changes and resend the homework tasks. I think that beginning of July would be a good date to start learning. What do you think? We should not wait too long.
Please call me about that, you should change them. The problem in general is that the front page is too stuffed, the information is displayed twice or more. That is confusing to the visitors.
Somehow at three in the morning I finally fell asleep. The place did not serve breakfast but I went to the northern beach which offered really nice food. I ate some fruits and drank coffee.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of growl   [ growled, growled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of brummen
brumme  brummst  brummt  brummen  brummt  brummen  brummte  brummtest  brummte  brummten  brummtet  brummten     
Conjugation of knurren
knurre  knurrst  knurrt  knurren  knurrt  knurren  knurrte  knurrtest  knurrte  knurrten  knurrtet  knurrten