German Dictionary

Translation of income in German

the income     das Einkommen

Translation by Vocabulix


gross national income; GNI Bruttonationaleinkommen; BNE
net national income; NNI Nettonationaleinkommen; NNE
per capita income pro Kopf Einkommen
per capita income Pro-Kopf-Einkommen
income; earnings; revenue Einkommen
operating income Betriebseinkommen
source of income Einkommensquelle
low-income; low-wage Billiglohn
Low Income Einkommensschwach
income Einkommen; Einnahmen
unearned income garantieren
Income tax Einkommensteuer

I don't remember exactly what we did there, all I remember was that there was some show including a snake and a Janasene tourist agreed to have the snake on her neck. I almost fainted just by watching.
We were not the only tourists, there were a many boats sailing on the same route. At one point the driver stopped the boat and immediately children of the village people approached us.
There was an extra seat available (the last one apparently). We were so glad. 45 minutes later we sat in the place, eighty percent of the plane was empty. They really need to update their system.
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