German Dictionary

Translation of inlay in German

to inlay     einlegen

Translation by Vocabulix


Let me know, once you want to proceed. Probably I did not explain myself well enough in the mentioned issue. Lili, can you please print the attachment and go over all the wrong expressions and words?
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We took many images and stayed there for over three hours, just enjoying the view. We finally went back to Kowloon with the subway, where we went to eat Sushi in a vivid, dynamic restaurant.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of inlay   [ inlaid, inlaid ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of einlegen
lege ein  legst ein  legt ein  legen ein  legt ein  legen ein  legte ein  legtest ein  legte ein  legten ein  legtet ein  legten ein