German Dictionary

Translation of kink in German

the kink     der Knick

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
A kink in the straw interrupted the milkshake flow.

Ein Knick im Strohhalm unterbrach den Milchshakefluss.

My husband wants to see the places his parents come from. They're from Michigan. And I'll take the opportunity to visit my brother in law in Carolina, he is 63 years old. Towards the end of the trip we will attend a conference.
True, I forgot the 'I' when I have copied and pasted the entire text field. I assume it is the regular form, isn't it? However, the formal form in Spain is a little different to what we are using in Mexico.
These are very good images, please send me more... I think Oslo is a very calm city. Every day it is getting more international and culturally richer. I work as a general secretary in a law firm.
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