German Dictionary

Translation of little in German

little     gering; klein

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The crooked head sat a little loose atop the fat snowman.

Der unförmige Kopf saß etwas locker auf dem dicken Schneemann.
Once apprehended, the captive communicated little and smoked a lot. Nachdem er gefasst wurde, kommunizierte der Gefangene wenig und rauchte viel.
What a dinky little hut this witch lives in! In was für einer schäbigen kleinen Hütte diese Hexe wohnt!
by and by; gradually; little by little allmählich
to have little say wenig Einfluss haben
have little say wenig Einfluss haben
the little paw das Pfötchen
a little ein bisschen; ein wenig
a little ein bisschen, ein wenig
a little ein bisschen, etwas >>
a little bit ein (klein) wenig
little closer etwas näher

If you want we could keep an contact via email. Have a great day. I am playing piano but i do not play very well as i am learning with a piano teacher. If you give me a little info about your country, I'll be happy.
The bus driver drove so quickly and with extremely dangerous maneuvers. We were so afraid and the other passengers started to scream at the driver which did not help the situation at all.
As my wife is a travel agent, and knows that in certain cases people do not show up, we decided to take a taxi to the airport nonetheless. It was actually not far from the border, about 5 kilometers away.
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