German Dictionary

Translation of perceive in German

to perceive     wahrnehmen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She perceived her argument as logical, while he thought it asinine.

Sie nahm ihr Argument als logisch wahr, während er es schwachsinnig fand.
perceive bemerken; erkennen; spüren
perceive; notice; percibir wahrnehmen
perceive wahrnehmen; begreifen
perceive wahr nehmen

Ok. I will send you a new exercise. As far as I remember, you got the book for 10 Euro. Is that correct? Meanwhile, please send me your email address, your Skype user name and if you want phone number.
Please postpone by three days to one week. I am abroad, and Loraine can't come with the baby. We are available from august 31 until September 23 (except September 16) where we have other commitments.
I spoke to my sister's friend and she told me I could stay at her place whenever I wanted. I then played Galaga on one of the computer machines and advanced to a very high level of the game.
Do you know the meaning of? pheasant    pioneer    pledge    poor    prawn    pretext    prohibition    proxy    putative    radicalise   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of perceive   [ perceived, perceived ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of wahrnehmen
nehme wahr  nimmst wahr  nimmt wahr  nehmen wahr  nehmt wahr  nehmen wahr  nahm wahr  nahmst wahr  nahm wahr  nahmen wahr  nahmt wahr  nahmen wahr