German Dictionary

Translation of sandal in German

the sandal      die Sandale 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
My grandma bought me new pink sandals.

Meine Großmutter kaufte mir neue rosa Sandalen.
I desperately scanned the shoe mountain for my sandals. Ich suchte den Schuhhaufen verzweifelt nach meinen Sandalen ab.
The shoe presses my toe, so I will put on sandals instead. Der Schuh drückt auf meine Zehe, ich werde stattdessen Sandalen anziehen.
sandal Sandale

it was very hot and very cool and very long. I will go to Mallorca at the end of June only for a week... but it is enough.... the sun, beach and water, coast... uuuhhh. For my job I use German and English language.
I learn things really fast and easily. I also know Italian well. I can make whole conversations in Italian. You are a fast learner, because Italian is a hard language to learn, especially for German speakers.
The next day we had to take the bus in order to get back to the airport in Calama. When we arrived at the airport was empty and no counter was open yet. We had to wait for 4 hours.
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