German Dictionary

Translation of screech in German

to screech     kreischen; quietschen; schreien
the screech     das Kreischen; der Schrei

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The screech of the crow woke us up.

Der Schrei der Krähe weckte uns auf.
screech schreien; kreischen
screech Schrei

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Are you familiar with HTML tags? Besides, you have to test the file in a browser window before delivering, just to be sure that it is displayed correctly. Regarding the translation: The second choice is a little more colloquial than the first one.
Today it is Sunday and I am very lazy. My daughter is 5 years old and she still needs her mother. So be ready, even if you are outside! I'm a sleepy! Could you do this?
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of quietschen
quietsche  quietschst  quietscht  quietschen  quietscht  quietschen  quietschte  quietschtest  quietschte  quietschten  quietschtet  quietschten     
Conjugation of schreien
schreie  schreist  schreit  schreien  schreit  schreien  schrie  schriest  schrie  schrien  schriet  schrien