German Dictionary

Translation of sleepyhead in German

the sleepyhead     die Schlafmütze

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
I need to get this little sleepyhead to bed.

Ich muss diese kleine Schlafmütze ins Bett bringen.

That was really cool. I flew from Koppenhagen to Thailand and did not know until take off where I wanted to go from Bangkok. We left Germany after midnight. I was really excited to go to a new place.
Are you familiar with HTML tags? Besides, you have to test the file in a browser window before delivering, just to be sure that it is displayed correctly. Regarding the translation: The second choice is a little more colloquial than the first one.
Thank you for your feedback, I have little knowledge of the German language, and at the moment I have to use the dictionary a lot, and I read many articles from online newspapers and magazines.
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