German Dictionary

Translation of those in German

those     jene
those     denen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I always ignore those who have been treating me unfairly.

Ich ignoriere immer diejenigen, die mich zuvor unfair behandelt haben.
Everyone should obey the laws of the Lord and live according to those. Jedermann sollte die Gesetze des Herrn beachten und nach diesen leben.
Applauding those who deny the holocaust is an unforgivable crime. Denjenigen zu applaudieren, die den Holocaust leugnen ist ein unverzeihliches Verbrechen.
those books die Bücher da
in those days* zu jener Zeit
those die (da) ,jene (dort)
those die(da), jene (dort)
those die (da), jene(dort)
those shirts jene Hemden
those diese dort, jene
that, those jene(r,s)
in those days damals

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The very young cab driver took us into town and we started to look for a place. We picked a name in the guide booked, told the driver where to go and arrived there two minutes later.
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