Spanish Dictionary

Translation of oveja

la oveja      the sheep     
la oveja     the ewe    

Pronunciation of oveja    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El pastor estaba descansando bajo un árbol, mientras las ovejas pastaban.

The shepherd was resting under a tree while the sheep were grazing.
Él cría ovejas para vender su lana. He breeds sheep to sell their wool.
la oveja sheep
oveja sheep

Design is a poem in which Robert Frost tries to confront us with the questions of life and nature. The topic is not only about nature but also about the human being and his capability to recognize.
Moreover, these conception goes with generations, it is almost biologically inherited, they are path from parent to child. As a result the a child has similar believes as his father or mother.
The flight was a little late so we spent our time in the airport playing car race computer game. My wife won three times in a row, she is a better driver than me anyway. We flew to Puerto Madryn.
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