Spanish Dictionary

Peor in English

peor     Me siento peor que antes. worse     I feel worse than before.
peor     worst    

Pronunciation of peor    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Lo hizo así porque la alternativa era peor.

He did it this way because the alternative was worse.
lo peor the worst

Do you need them as hard or soft copy? Donna, I forgot I can't on Wednesday... My family is coming for the weekend. Maybe we can do it one week later? I am kindly asking you to tell also Harry.
Once they see a foreign person, their primitive thoughts come up and they start to hate and dislike without any actual reason. Whose fault is this hate? Is the fault of the ones who are afraid.
We checked in, took a refreshing hot shower and were really happy about our accommodation. As it was late, we took another ride to some restaurant. When we payed the driver he told us that he had no change.
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