Spanish Dictionary

Worse in Spanish

worse     I feel worse than before. peor     Me siento peor que antes.

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Sample sentences:
He did it this way because the alternative was worse.

Lo hizo así porque la alternativa era peor.
to get worse empeorar

Hamburg is a very beautiful city and i have a friend studying in that university. I hope you can enjoy your live and studying there. I have been teaching in a language school for a while. But in one month I am going to be in Hanover again.
The trip was coming to an end. We were driving to the airport knowing that we had to fly 12-hour to Spain, than a break in Spain for of around 6 hours and than the rest 4 hours, a total of 22 hours.
At Pisac we visited its 'once certainly authentic', 'today completely touristic' market. We enjoyed it anyway, ate fresh corncobs and bought a warm wool hat.
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