Spanish Dictionary

Translation of Britain in Spanish

the Britain     la Bretaña    ; la Gran Bretaña    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Where do you plan to lodge in Great Britain?

¿Dónde tiene previsto alojarse en Gran Bretaña?
A quart is a little less than a liter in the US and a little more in Great Britain. Un cuarto de galón es poco menos de un litro en los EE.UU. y un poco más en Gran Bretaña.

If you want to learn, you need milestones, so that you can plan your learning curve. Together, we will decide on 3-4 days, where we will study intensely. Perhaps your German will get a little bit better by then.
I looked at your site on the Internet. It is very beautiful, the graphics are interesting and the site leaves a clean impression. I think that paintings and art in general are very interesting.
The people of Majorca are very friendly, helpful and prepared for tourism. The young tourist come here just to party, to meet other people and to have fun on the beach! Just right the right thing for me.
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