Spanish Dictionary

Translation of salesman in Spanish

the salesman     el vendedor    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He is a glib salesman.

Es un vendedor con mucha labia.
He has an unpleasant attitude not fit for a salesman. Él tiene una actitud desagradable no apta para un vendedor.
That salesman should refine his sales skills. Ese vendedor debería afinar sus técnicas de venta.
the seller; salesman el vendedor
salesman el vendedor(a)
salesman el vendedor

We drove to the hotel Rex where we made reservations in advance. However, once there, two American guys told us that they had a voucher from a travel agent and the price was like half of it.
We can try it out tonight, if you want, we just have to find the right hour. Peru is 5 hours behind Switzerland. So I'll just pay a visit to Peru in order to travel around and see the architecture.
Although you need at least 2 weeks to visit Peru, it was worth being there for 5 days. It definitely gave us a taste: we will be back for a longer stay.
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