Spanish Dictionary

Translation of torturar

torturar     to torture    

Pronunciation of torturar    

Translation by Vocabulix


His name was Leo and he would become a good friend of mine during the next two weeks. He had a lovely girlfriend where he stayed during my visit. Basically, I slept in his place when he was away.
This kind of struggle is a 'projecting the guilt' one someone innocent. It has always existed, even today there is a large movement against foreigners in Europe and its support is frightening me.
We went to eat dinner at an Indian restaurant an my wife and I were afraid that it would turn our stomace upside down, just a day before we had to take the long train journey back to the capital.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of torturar
torturo  torturas  tortura  torturamos  torturáis  torturan  torturaba  torturabas  torturaba  torturábamos  torturabais  torturaban  torturé  torturaste  torturó  torturamos  torturasteis  torturaron  torturaré  torturarás  torturará  torturaremos  torturaréis  torturarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of torture   [ tortured, tortured ]