Verb conjugation of "anweisen" in German

Conjugate the verb anweisen:

ich weise an
du weist an

er wies an
wir haben angewiesen

ihr werdet anweisen


sie würden anweisen



Verb drill 'anweisen'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of anweisen in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
anwenden   anzeigen   anziehen   anzünden   arbeiten   argumentieren  

weise an
weist an
weist an
weisen an
weist an
weisen an


wies an
wiesest an
wies an
wiesen an
wieset an
wiesen an

My daugther was crying all night and we did not know why. We assume that she is getting into the terrible two age and wants to give us a hard time. We love her so much and do not get upset by that.
The information we receive by hearing other people's stories, by watching TV (which is not an objective source of information) or by listening to the local radio generates a big responsiveness in us.
We had coffee, played cards and waited for our guide. We had booked the tour with Handspan, so that we were confident that he would show up. In the end the guide was a 'she' and not a 'he'.