Verb conjugation of "festkleben" in German

Conjugate the verb festkleben:

ich klebe fest
du klebst fest

er klebte fest
wir haben festgeklebt

ihr werdet festkleben


sie würden festkleben



Verb drill 'festkleben'
Present   Past   Future
Check out the Translation of festkleben in German-English in our German Dictionary
The next German Verbs in our list:
festlegen   festnehmen   feststecken   feststellen   filtern   finanzieren  

klebe fest
klebst fest
klebt fest
kleben fest
klebt fest
kleben fest


klebte fest
klebtest fest
klebte fest
klebten fest
klebtet fest
klebten fest

I was tired and still felt a little ill, so that I agreed to meet the other family and they escorted me to the next building. The new family instructed me not to tell anyone where I stayed here.
I was a little confused because I recognized the voice and I had booked at Luisa's guest house. She explained me that she was sharing the phone with her neighbor and her neighbor was not honest.
The cemetery in Recoleta was worth seeing, although I do not like hanging around these places for too long. From there we continued to the market but found it boring so that we kept on going.