Spanish Dictionary

Translation of abrigo

el abrigo      the coat     
el abrigo     the overcoat    ; the shelter    ; the haven    ; the harbor    

Pronunciation of abrigo    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Pon tu abrigo en la percha, por favor.

Put your coat on the hanger, please.
Ve a mi cuarto arriba y tráeme el abrigo, por favor. Go to my room upstairs and bring me my coat, please.
Hace tanto frío que me arrepiento de no haberme puesto un abrigo. It is so cold that I regret not having worn an overcoat.
abrigo de piel/pelo fur coat
el abrigo the overcoat

They do not care and that means that they just want to be happy, independent and wealthy and do not strive to be a powerful nation like the countries that surround it. It is completely different.
It comes not only from the need to feel superior (which would be a legitimate and natural desire), it is also the consequence of ignorance, believe in stereotypes and old-fashioned intolerance.
That was a funny coincidence and she told me about some good parties on the island. I went to one these parties which was actually located in an open air bar. There were few people but everyone connected.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of coat   [ coated, coated ]
Conjugation of shelter   [ sheltered, sheltered ]