Spanish Dictionary

Translation of acostumbrar

acostumbrar     to accustom    

Translation by Vocabulix


I have started learning only one month ago, that was during the summer holidays, I want to go to Canada for three weeks and then participate in a course. I hope that I will improve it more or less.
Take your time to answer me, do the vocabulary exercises and measure your progress! Your answers will be kept in the system itself. After that you can look at the statistics. That's pretty cool here.
I want to learn more Spanish. I live in Basel, I am married and I have a sweet daughter called Monika. She is 3 years old. Are you doing sports or don't you like it? For me it is essential.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of acostumbrar
acostumbro  acostumbras  acostumbra  acostumbramos  acostumbráis  acostumbran  acostumbraba  acostumbrabas  acostumbraba  acostumbrábamos  acostumbrabais  acostumbraban  acostumbré  acostumbraste  acostumbró  acostumbramos  acostumbrasteis  acostumbraron  acostumbraré  acostumbrarás  acostumbrará  acostumbraremos  acostumbraréis  acostumbrarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of accustom   [ accustomed, accustomed ]