Spanish Dictionary

Translation of alabar

alabar     to praise    

Translation by Vocabulix


alabar to praise

So I do not know what to write more. It seems that you know my entire life by now. Each sentence needs to be constructed in a differnt way. The best part is to write about vacation and nice memories.
Right after desert it started to rain and it poured so that the entire camp got flooded. A few minutes later the electricity disappeared because of the water and we were sitting in the dark.
We booked a tour for the next two days, one on a boat and the other on foot. In one of the agencies we met a nice couple and decided to stay in touch with them and have dinner together.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of alabar
alabo  alabas  alaba  alabamos  alabáis  alaban  alababa  alababas  alababa  alabábamos  alababais  alababan  alabé  alabaste  alabó  alabamos  alabasteis  alabaron  alabaré  alabarás  alabará  alabaremos  alabaréis  alabarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of praise   [ praised, praised ]