Spanish Dictionary

Translation of aquel

aquel     that    ; that one

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Ella siempre recordará aquel día aciago en el que tuvo el accidente automovilístico.

She will always remember that unlucky day on which she had the car accident.
Aquel policía hizo el arresto. That policeman made the arrest.
Aquel día aciago, mucha gente fue llevada a prisión sin razón alguna. On that ill-fated day, many people were taken to prison without any reason whatsoever.

In order to change something you need to have courage, even if it is the smallest thing. Actually let me refine, changing needs only courage if the current situation is not bad but not perfect either.
I just saw the Arsenal match. It was very boring and the atmosphere in the stadium was weak. I think that it was mainly due to the cold and not due to the quality of the game. But it was worth it.
For quite a while we were considering to offer a downloadable version of Vocabulix. I could put a popup screen where it says: 'wanna download a Vocabulary Builder or continue with our online lessons?'.
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