Spanish Dictionary

Translation of asumir

asumir     to assume    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Él tiene que asumir la responsabilidad de sus acciones.

He has to take responsibility for his actions.
Si quieres tener tu propio negocio debes estar dispuesto a asumir riesgos. If you want to have your own business you must be willing to take risks.
Ella confiaba en él y asumió que sus disculpas eran sinceras. She trusted him and assumed that his excuses were sincere.

Her students are using the software and learning with the website afterwards on a regular basis. She is very satisfied and she was kind and gave me your number, as she thought that it may interest you.
After getting up early I took a local car to get back to the center from where I took a coach to the long awaited city of San Cristobal de Las Casas. I have heard so much about this distant place.
She started to walk with us and one could observe that she had lost some of the naivity many children have, due to the fact that she started to be a sales person long before she reached twelve.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of asumir
asumo  asumes  asume  asumimos  asumís  asumen  asumía  asumías  asumía  asumíamos  asumíais  asumían  asumí  asumiste  asumió  asumimos  asumisteis  asumieron  asumiré  asumirás  asumirá  asumiremos  asumiréis  asumirán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of assume   [ assumed, assumed ]