Spanish Dictionary

Translation of aventura

la aventura      the adventure     

Pronunciation of aventura    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Se han embarcado en una nueva aventura empresarial.

They have embarked on a new business venture.
aventura amorosa fling
la aventura adventure

Although it is very cold, I love the fresh air there. After an hour and after finishing the getting dressed in warm winter-clothes I am usually ready for skiing. Normally I like to go out early.
Usually in a place with a homegenous society hatred towards foreigners can grow much more easy as a small disturbance to the homogenity may upset the entire society. People are not used to changes.
On the way back I remember watching a Diego Armando Maradona movie in the car's portable DVD player. He was praised as a Saint in this movie. I took it as a good preparation of thing ahead in Buenos Aires.
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