Spanish Dictionary

Translation of bazo

el bazo     the spleen    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Le extirparon el bazo porque se le dañó seriamente durante el accidente.

His spleen was removed because it was severely damaged during the accident.

Although I put my wallet in the front pocket of my pants it was not there. I had been so diverted by the aggressiveness of these kids that I did not feel it when they grabbed it out of my pocket.
I walked down the main street of the town and soon found out that there was a nice place not far from the main square. It cost around two hundred pesos which was equivalent to twenty US Dollars.
One could see the animals from a distance. There were sea lions, whales and penguins, all very far away. In the evening we went on a boat for whale watching which was a really great experience.
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