Spanish Dictionary

Translation of caracterizar

caracterizar     to characterize    

Translation by Vocabulix


Please take into account, that on May 10 and 11 there are holidays in the United States and that we do not work on Saturday. This will leave only the 15th, 16th and 17th for a company visit.
I want to study either computer science or do an MBA. I love to programm and I am doing it a lot, although I am very impatient sometimes. I also like math, but I hate writting long letters.
I'm also not interested in such things, but I had a classmate who recommended the book 'Mice and Men' and that's why I bought it. It is a very interesting book and tells about old times in the U.S.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of caracterizar
caracterizo  caracterizas  caracteriza  caracterizamos  caracterizáis  caracterizan  caracterizaba  caracterizabas  caracterizaba  caracterizábamos  caracterizabais  caracterizaban  caractericé  caracterizaste  caracterizó  caracterizamos  caracterizasteis  caracterizaron  caracterizaré  caracterizarás  caracterizará  caracterizaremos  caracterizaréis  caracterizarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of characterize   [ characterized, characterized ]