Spanish Dictionary

Translation of cerdito

el cerdito     the piggy    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Los niños querían mantener al cerdito como mascota.

The children wanted to keep the piggy as a pet.
Ella le está leyendo a su hija la historia del lobo y los tres cerditos. She is reading her daughter the story of the wolf and the three little pigs.

I will usually use the most usual sense of the term, and not the more sophisticated ones and I think you will understand what I wanted to say. In any case we should review all words every two days or so.
Then you can add me as a new friend in your Facebook account. I'll confirm it and you can send an email to my new address if it is publicly displayed and available. Or you can send it through SMS.
I've chosen a subject but for now I take a lot of art and language courses. Thank you for your tips! They helped me a lot. My uncle is a music teacher, but my father studied economics.
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