Spanish Dictionary

Translation of chorrocientos

chorrocientos     gazillion [coll]

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Ha gastado chorrocientos dólares en regalos para ella.

He has spent a gazillion of dollars in gifts for her.

OK, I've understood the overall picture. I'm a little doubtful about how to detect the copyright issues, but I guess it's better to talk again after I received the first excel sheet. It is alright, I am seeing it as an extra measure.
On the second day we drove around Los Angeles. We were totally jet lagged (and so were our kids) and we decided to take it easy on that day. We went to Rodeo Drive as well as Beverly Hills. Both our children slept during the entire afternoon.
Hi there again. I would love to visit you very much. I will keep that in mind for our next vacation... Your English is very good and I can't imaging that you have just learned it for two years.
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