Spanish Dictionary

I will usually use the most usual sense of the term, and not the more sophisticated ones and I think you will understand what I wanted to say. In any case we should review all words every two days or so.
My correction were added and highlighted with yellow markers and attached to this email. Tell me now if you have any questions about grammar rules, since I was a teacher 10 years ago.
So you want to know what I'm doing? I am 22 years old and I am studying medicine at the university in Atlanta. I want to learn German because I have a German girlfriend. We want to get married.
My correction were added and highlighted with yellow markers and attached to this email. Tell me now if you have any questions about grammar rules, since I was a teacher 10 years ago.
So you want to know what I'm doing? I am 22 years old and I am studying medicine at the university in Atlanta. I want to learn German because I have a German girlfriend. We want to get married.