Spanish Dictionary

Translation of comentar

comentar      to comment     

Pronunciation of comentar    

Translation by Vocabulix


comentar to comment on

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It is a thought that someone may have if he does not know anything about another group of individuals. He hears many stereotypes and blindly creates his own images in which he strongly believes.
We found an password solution to enable teachers and their students to work with your lessons. These teachers would need to enter the password of the lessons and could then continue to use them.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of comentar
comento  comentas  comenta  comentamos  comentáis  comentan  comentaba  comentabas  comentaba  comentábamos  comentabais  comentaban  comenté  comentaste  comentó  comentamos  comentasteis  comentaron  comentaré  comentarás  comentará  comentaremos  comentaréis  comentarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of comment   [ commented, commented ]