Spanish Dictionary

Translation of conseguir

conseguir      to achieve     
conseguir     to achieve    ; to get    ; to acquire    

Pronunciation of conseguir    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Tuve que estar parado en una cola durante seis horas para conseguir entradas para el nuevo espectáculo.

I had to stand in a line for six hours to get tickets for the new show.
Ella consiguió una invitación para el concierto de su banda de rock favorita. She got an invitation to the concert of her favorite rock band.
Estuvieron dos años separados antes de conseguir el divorcio. They were separated two years before they got the divorce.
lograr; conseguir to get; obtain; to achieve
conseguir to obtain; to get
conseguir to get, obtain

I made a mistake regarding the information of the yield, you were right. I do not know whether the software had a license, I will let you know once I speak with my employer (tomorrow). Hasta luego.
It comes not only from the need to feel superior (which would be a legitimate and natural desire), it is also the consequence of ignorance, believe in stereotypes and old-fashioned intolerance.
Unfortunately, the boat's maneuvering system broke down and we were told that we could not take it. We were furious, but decided to make the best out of the situation. The offered to take the Red Dragon instead.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of conseguir
consigo  consigues  consigue  conseguimos  conseguís  consiguen  conseguía  conseguías  conseguía  conseguíamos  conseguíais  conseguían  conseguí  conseguiste  consiguió  conseguimos  conseguisteis  consiguieron  conseguiré  conseguirás  conseguirá  conseguiremos  conseguiréis  conseguirán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of achieve   [ achieved, achieved ]
Conjugation of acquire   [ acquired, acquired ]
Conjugation of get   [ got, got ]