Spanish Dictionary

Translation of control

el control     the checkup    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El pistolero se resistió al arresto, pero finalmente la policía tomó el control de la situación.

The gunman resisted arrest but eventually the police took control of the situation.
bajo control under control

The script I am writing will shuffle the 1.5 million words and it will detect if too many words are from the same user. And if an entry is too long, I will skip it and rely on the sentences that we can hopefully make up together.
My name is Wolfgang, and I am interested to build my Spanish vocabulary. Maybe we can practice together. How long have you learned Spanish? I have been learning for a few years with books.
I am married and have two children. My daughter is studying geology at the University of Boston. My son is still young. In my next e-mail I will tell you more about me and about them.
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