Spanish Dictionary

Translation of cronometrar

cronometrar     to time    

Translation by Vocabulix


In the beginning it looked brutal but it worked. He brought my wallet back to me and asked me to count the bills in it. I was stunned and could not believe what just happened. He repeated his order.
The ride took us through mountainous areas, covered with dark green forest, with so many curves that I got sick. I wanted to vomit but I held myself back, as there were so many other next to me.
Puerto Madryn was a boring city, but it was the hub to see the Peninsula Valdes, a nature reserve listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. We did not know what to expect but new that we would see Pinguins
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of cronometrar
cronometro  cronometras  cronometra  cronometramos  cronometráis  cronometran  cronometraba  cronometrabas  cronometraba  cronometrábamos  cronometrabais  cronometraban  cronometré  cronometraste  cronometró  cronometramos  cronometrasteis  cronometraron  cronometraré  cronometrarás  cronometrará  cronometraremos  cronometraréis  cronometrarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of time   [ timed, timed ]