Spanish Dictionary

Translation of deambular

deambular     to wander    

Translation by Vocabulix


I congratulate you on your move to become a private Spanish teacher. People need to believe in you and the most important thing is that you need to believe in yourself. It won't be easy at the beginning.
Don't worry... Very nice graphics, much nicer and more modern! I like all the pages except the front page. In my opinion, the front page is too 'busy'. The links at the bottom are not good.
We found an password solution to enable teachers and their students to work with your lessons. These teachers would need to enter the password of the lessons and could then continue to use them.
Most common translations: curado    cuadrante    costroso    corazonada    contener    conjugación    conciliar    comodoro    colaborador    clasificar   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of deambular
deambulo  deambulas  deambula  deambulamos  deambuláis  deambulan  deambulaba  deambulabas  deambulaba  deambulábamos  deambulabais  deambulaban  deambulé  deambulaste  deambuló  deambulamos  deambulasteis  deambularon  deambularé  deambularás  deambulará  deambularemos  deambularéis  deambularán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of wander   [ wandered, wandered ]