Spanish Dictionary

Translation of en el extranjero

en el extranjero      abroad     

Pronunciation of en el extranjero    

Translation by Vocabulix


Naturally, like everyone else, Italian think about themselves that they are the best. They think that Italy is a great nation and a great country, but these thoughts are never aggresive or political.
Can we speak on Tuesday to discuss the exact time table for Saturday? Did you book the following flights? Possible Hotels, I recommend the first, as it is newer and in a nicer location, just in the center.
One would immediately fall in love with Sapa. We checked in our accommodation which was clean and large rooms. We came just for breakfast and enjoyed the view of the surrounding hills from the terrasse.
Most common translations: embalaje    economía    donante    disociar    diferenciación    destrozar    desintegrar    descenso    denunciar    decorar