Spanish Dictionary

Translation of formular in Spanish-English

formular     to formulate    

Translation by Vocabulix


There were no lights on the highway and hardly any cars, but quiet a few motorcycles and funnily pedestrians walking on the emergency lane. There was a tropical atmosphere in the air, I liked it.
Do you need a company that makes a complete Due Diligence or only the Technical claims and IP Due Diligence? I can give you the reference of a prominent law firm in the field of patents and copyrights.
In order to get to this hidden lake one would have to row beneath a cave. On the other side of the cave the five of us were alone. The lake was surrounded by limestone mountains covered with tropical trees.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of formular
formulo  formulas  formula  formulamos  formuláis  formulan  formulaba  formulabas  formulaba  formulábamos  formulabais  formulaban  formulé  formulaste  formuló  formulamos  formulasteis  formularon  formularé  formularás  formulará  formularemos  formularéis  formularán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of formulate   [ formulated, formulated ]