Spanish Dictionary

Translation of género

el género      the gender     
el género     the genre    

Pronunciation of género    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
A ella le gustan los libros del género policial.

She likes books of the crime genre.
Las cosas en español tienen género, mientras que en Inglés no lo tienen. Things in Spanish have gender, while in English they don't.
género gender, sort

Since Joseph is convinced of the coming success, he suggests to leave the machine in Canada for another 2 months (at no cost of course!). I think that they learned a lot through your project.
It is a thought that someone may have if he does not know anything about another group of individuals. He hears many stereotypes and blindly creates his own images in which he strongly believes.
I had to fly to Switzerland very urgently on Sunday, now I am back. Anyway, attached is a newsletter that will be sent to the users of Vocabulix. Should there be any changes, it would be nice.
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