German Dictionary

Translation of absurd

absurd absurd    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
In einem Kampfsportkontext mag das Ziel des Friedens absurd erscheinen.

In a martial arts context, the objective of peace may seem absurd.
ziemlich absurd quite absurd
absurd incongruous

Brookline Avenue in example will be blocked off for over two hours: Security and protection for my students is very important to me, explains Carole. Drivers are requested not to used these routes.
The short story 'Hills like white elephants' is a short story about a relationship between a man and a young girl, based on having sexual encounters. The meaning of this story is not immediately recognizable.
There were heaps of people in this area and we really had to struggle to get through the crowds. We drank a few beers and a couple glasses of wine and being totally tipsy Lili decided she needed to return.
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