German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Die meisten Motoren funktionieren mit Brennstoff oder Elektrizität und nur wenige benutzen andere Energiequellen. |
Most engines run on fuel or electricity and only a few use other sources of energy. |
In das Meer geworfener, industrieller Müll gefährdet Fische und andere Tiere. | Industrial trash dropped into the deep sea jeopardizes fish and other animals. |
Eine Birne sieht wie ein verformter Apfel aus, hat aber einen ganz anderen Geschmack. | A pear looks like a malformed apple but has a completely different taste. |
ein anderer; eine andere; weitere | another |
andere/anderer/anderes | different |
andere, verschiedene | different |
noch eine/r/andere/r | another |
ein(e) andere(r,s), | another |
andere, weitere | other |
andere/weitere | other |
das andere | other one |
ein andere | either |

This behavior is totally normal for this kind of traffic volume. To increase efficiency they could increase the gateway to five. Once you send the traffic, I will ask my boss to test it on both.
Only if the circumstances support it, such events can take place. Anyway, the ones who make a personal problem a public one and who generalize by blaming the whole instead of an individual are guilty.
Yes, depending on demand. Vocabulix is a free service, but no one wanted to finance the German voices yet, which cost a little bit, so we started with Spanish and English which has higher demand.
Only if the circumstances support it, such events can take place. Anyway, the ones who make a personal problem a public one and who generalize by blaming the whole instead of an individual are guilty.
Yes, depending on demand. Vocabulix is a free service, but no one wanted to finance the German voices yet, which cost a little bit, so we started with Spanish and English which has higher demand.
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