German Dictionary

Translation of angenehm

angenehm Wir wünschen Ihnen eine angenehme Reise. pleasant     We wish you a pleasant journey.
angenehm cozy    ; bland    ; agreeable    

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Sample sentences:
Der Duft der Blumen war so angenehm, dass er gar nicht gehen wollte.

The scent of the flowers was so pleasant he did not want to leave.
Die Kombination von Kamille und Kapern in der Soße war überraschend angenehm. The combination of camomile and capers in the sauce was surprisingly good.
Das Ale gab der Rübensuppe eine angenehm erdige Note. The ale added a deliciously earthy touch to the turnip soup.
unterhaltsam; amüsant; angenehm enjoyable
nett,schön; angenehm, nett nice; pleasant
angenehm überrascht pleasantly surprised

After a wonderful mountain breakfast with a hot chocolate drink one can enjoy the view by looking outside the window and seeing the white landscape, high mountains and the sun reflected in the white powder.
Our link book file suddenly disappeared overnight, and the technical team had no idea why. We fixed the problem now. Please go to vocabulix and than press the menu Link Book. Do you see it now?
I had to get used to riding the bike and I almost fell a few times. I drove on the main road and stopped at several little villages near the beach. The locals were very friendly and welcoming.
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