German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Sie nahm einen Apfel aus ihrem Locker und schnitt ihn für mich auf. |
She took an apple out of her locker and pared it for me. |
Eine Birne sieht wie ein verformter Apfel aus, hat aber einen ganz anderen Geschmack. | A pear looks like a malformed apple but has a completely different taste. |
Die Schlange war clever und überzeugte Eva schließlich, den Apfel zu essen. | The serpent was clever and finally convinced Eve to eat the apple. |
der Apfel, Äpfel | the apple(s) |
schälen (Apfel) | peel |
ein Apfel | an apple |
(der) Apfel | apple |
Apfel | apple |

In this poem there is not any movement, it is only a snapshot of life, it means it is a picture, almost dead, as there is no movement at all. And this is the reason why the poem seems to be calming.
Your name and Larry's name should be underlined and in blue color suggesting a link to your profile (or with a tiny arrow button suggestion a link). All the profiles should have the same theme.
After the bar we sailed back with the ferry to the other side, the side of the financial district, because there were some Halloween parties in the different bars at the Lan Kwai Fong street.
Your name and Larry's name should be underlined and in blue color suggesting a link to your profile (or with a tiny arrow button suggestion a link). All the profiles should have the same theme.
After the bar we sailed back with the ferry to the other side, the side of the financial district, because there were some Halloween parties in the different bars at the Lan Kwai Fong street.
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