German Dictionary

Translation of lassen

lassen Lass ihn sagen was er will. to let     Let him say what he wants.

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Mike war ein verantwortlicher Hirte, der seine Herde nie allein ließ.

Mike was a responsible shepherd who never left his flock alone.
Der Rhythmus der japanischen Trommel ließ uns die ganze Nacht lang tanzen. The rhythm of the Japanese drum made us dance all night.
Ihre Bräune ließ sie aussehen wie eine Eingeborene. Her tan made her look like a native.
Abfall; fallen lassen; Rückgang, Tropfen drop
sich volllaufen lassen get wrecked; to get wrecked
jemanden hängen lassen to let somebody down
übertreffen; hinter sich lassen outperform
in Ruhe lassen to leave alone; leave alone
etwas machen lassen to have something done
sich verwöhnen lassen to be pampered
abschießen; vom Stapel lassen launch
reservieren (lassen); buchen (to) reserve

Everybody knows about the Indian summer which is famous for it strong and shiny atmosphere in the woods. That is why i wanted to see it too. So, last Saturday morning we left Boston and drove North-West.
We have an option of uploading an excel file. However, we do give this option only to institutions and schools. The other ideas may be given in the future too. Thanks a lot for a great feedback!
I chose a room in the center of town. I went to the northern beach of the island which was supposedly the most beautiful one. There were many young tourist lying in the sand but I still felt foreign.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of lassen
lasse  lässt  lässt  lassen  lasst  lassen  ließ  ließest  ließ  ließen  ließt  ließen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of let   [ let, let ]