German Dictionary

Translation of let in German

to let     Let him say what he wants. lassen Lass ihn sagen was er will.
to let     überlassen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The picket did not let us enter the building, because there was an ongoing strike.

Der Streikposten ließ uns nicht das Gebäude betreten, weil ein Streik im Gange war.
Let us recap what has been said before. Lasst uns zusammenfassen, was zuvor gesagt wurde.
Let the dog romp in the garden. Lass den Hund im Garten herumtollen.
Let's check! Lass uns überprüfen!; Lasst uns überprüfen!
Let's start! Lasst uns anfangen!; Lass uns anfangen!; Lasst uns starten!
Let's go!; Let us go! Lass uns gehen!; Lasst uns gehen!
the disappointment; let down die Enttäuschung
to let somebody down jemanden hängen lassen
to let go; to let go of; let, let, let loslassen
to let sb. down; to disappoint enttäuschen
Let's start!; Let us start! Lass(t) uns anfangen!
let down; to disappoint enttäuschen

I wish we can meet when you come to Malaga, and we can have a nice time together and I can cook nice Spanish food for u too. C u soon. I hope you are fine, was just waiting for your email but maybe you are busy.
I'm from Switzerland and I speak German as mother-language. I will try to help you to learn German! We speak French, Italian and German in our country. I heard that in the US Spanish is becoming more popular.
Dinner was nothing special in this town and the restaurant wasn't either. Most waiters and the owner himself were more interested in Chile's qualifying soccer game than in their guests.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of let   [ let, let ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of lassen
lasse  lässt  lässt  lassen  lasst  lassen  ließ  ließest  ließ  ließen  ließt  ließen