German Dictionary

Translation of befragen

befragen to question    ; to interview    ; to interrogate    
befragen to consult    ; to debrief    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Er sah ängstlich aus, als sie ihn erneut zu seinem Alibi befragten.

He looked fearful when they questioned him about his alibi again.
Die Polizei fuhr fort, den Mörder über die verschwundene Frau zu befragen. The police kept interrogating the slayer about the missing woman.
befragen, verhören to question
interviewen; befragen to interview
interviewen, befragen interview

Thanks a lot. Let's meet. Where are you located? OK, do you want to meet there? Basically, June 4 and further would be good for me. But I am flexible. I never have too many things to do in the weekend.
These are the guys who need to be blames. They are primitive, ignorant, selfish and they appear to me as thought they are confined in their ideas. They cannot think outside the box for even once.
We boarded the ship and it left the port. They started with lunch, which was pretty good. The ship sailed for about an hour until it reached the bay area, which had over one thousand islands.
People also searched for: ausziehen    ausgerechnet    auflösen    anämisch    angolanisch    allenfalls    abstumpfen    abgelegen    Zweikampf    Zucht   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of befragen
befrage  befragst  befragt  befragen  befragt  befragen  befragte  befragtest  befragte  befragten  befragtet  befragten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of consult   [ consulted, consulted ]
Conjugation of interrogate   [ interrogated, interrogated ]
Conjugation of interview   [ interviewed, interviewed ]
Conjugation of question   [ questioned, questioned ]