German Dictionary

Question in German

to question     befragen
the question      die Frage 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The enquirer took out his sheet of questions.

Der Fragesteller nahm sein Blatt mit Fragen heraus.
The lawyer shouted 'objection' so that the defendant would not have to answer the question. Der Rechtsanwalt rief 'Einspruch' damit der Angeklagte die Frage nicht beantworten musste.
The fourth question is really difficult, and I am not sure about the answer. Die vierte Frage ist wirklich schwer, und ich bin mir meiner Antwort nicht sicher.
the items in question die betreffenden Artikel
to ask a question eine Frage stellen
to question befragen, verhören
the question(s) die Frage, Fragen
ask a question Stell eine Frage
pose a question frage stellen
catch-22 question Fangfrage
question mark fragezeichen
question in Frage stellen

I was one time in Oxford. I'm studying social work in Austria. I'm living near Salzburg. It's in the middle of Austria. What are you doing in Oxford? Studying, teaching or working? Please stay in touch with me.
The next morning we felt much better, but we decided to stay in bed the entire morning to fully recover. We watched some Seinfeld episodes which were running every morning at around 10a.m.
I guess it is a very interesting book, but I did not entirely understand it. What did the author try to say, what message did he want to deliver? Do you want that I recommend another book?
Do you know the meaning of? reserve    scare    shout    softball    sticker    sweets    though    trout    vegetables    why   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of question   [ questioned, questioned ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of befragen
befrage  befragst  befragt  befragen  befragt  befragen  befragte  befragtest  befragte  befragten  befragtet  befragten