German Dictionary

Translation of beschimpfen

beschimpfen to blaspheme    

Translation by Vocabulix


beschimpfen; frech; beleidigen insult
jdn. beschimpfen to abuse s.o.

They played a lot of music (very old fashioned music) and sold apples, cookies, cakes and many drinks. Having enjoyed the apple festival we went for a walk outside the village, meaning the woods.
I saw the game. After the amazing pre-match ball shot I was so excited I could not fall asleep for 2 hours. The Eurosport commentator said: 'So what is his next trick? Walking home on the Hudson river?'
I went to the deck and except one staff member who slept there on the floor I was the only one. I installed my camera and waited for the light to arrive. I expected the images to be more spectacular.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beschimpfen
beschimpfe  beschimpfst  beschimpft  beschimpfen  beschimpft  beschimpfen  beschimpfte  beschimpftest  beschimpfte  beschimpften  beschimpftet  beschimpften     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of blaspheme   [ blasphemed, blasphemed ]