German Dictionary

Translation of bieten

bieten to offer    ; to present    ; to bid    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Browser bot Unmengen von Ergebnissen und machte die Schüler glücklich.

The browser offered massive results and made students happy.
Die Ruine bot einen großartigen Schauplatz für den Thriller. The ruins were a great setting for the thriller.
Die Verstärkung, die unsere neuen Lautsprecher boten, war unbezahlbar. The amplification our new speakers provided was priceless.
etwas besorgen; etwas liefern; etwas (an)bieten to provide something
Möglichkeiten bieten to provide an opportunity
bereit stellen; bieten; unterstützen provide
etw. anbieten; etw. bieten to provide
an/bieten to offer for sale
bieten, offerieren to offer
bieten, liefern to provide
bieten; anbieten to offer
bieten; bot bid; bid

Not only will the trip be a success for LIF but for many students it will be a great experience too. We do not care about the stories about us which have been published during the last few months.
This perilous reaction, due to trivial, conventional thinking of us might lead to direct violence or at least to its support. Furthermore it can destroys one's good intensions and qualities.
I called the Hilton hotel in Cuba and asked them whether it was worth coming or if they suggest to postpone the arrival. Their response was clear: Don't come unless you really have too.
People also searched for: aufdringlich    Zeuge    Wahrheit    Tüte    Tagebuch    Spiegelei    Schultasche    Rumpsteak    Präsident    Orangensaft   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of bieten
biete  bietest  bietet  bieten  bietet  bieten  bot  botest  bot  boten  botet  boten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of bid   [ bade, bidden ]
Conjugation of offer   [ offered, offered ]
Conjugation of present   [ presented, presented ]