German Dictionary

Translation of binden

binden to tie up; to fasten    ; to thicken    ; to bond    ; to commit    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sie band eine goldene Kordel um ihren Bademantel.

She tied a golden cord around her bathrobe.
Die Kinder schafften es nicht, das Pony an den Pfahl zu binden. The children were unable to chain the pony to the pole.
binden-band-gebunden bind-bound-bound
binden; verbinden; verpflichten bind
(fest) binden (an) to cut off

Not only will the trip be a success for LIF but for many students it will be a great experience too. We do not care about the stories about us which have been published during the last few months.
They are not used to live together with other religions and cultures and they do not know how to coexist. In each region people assume things about others, but in some regions the hatred grows.
The ferry took me to the island. Sitting next to me there was a local guy with two packs of beer, and he seemed pretty drunk for this hour of the day. He offered me some beer and I was polite.
People also searched for: bestechlich    beliebig    befragen    ausziehen    ausgerechnet    auflösen    anämisch    angolanisch    allenfalls    abstumpfen   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of binden
binde  bindest  bindet  binden  bindet  binden  band  bandest  band  banden  bandet  banden     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of bond   [ bonded, bonded ]
Conjugation of commit   [ committed, committed ]
Conjugation of thicken   [ thickened, thickened ]