German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Als ich draußen war, um eine Lilie für Anne zu suchen, wurde es neblig. |
Out to find a lily for Anne, it became foggy. |
Oh mein Gott, ich habe zu viel Angst, um heute Nacht nach draußen zu gehen. | Oh my God, I am too frightened to go outside tonight. |
Es ist gesund für Kinder, täglich draußen zu spielen. | It is healthy for children to play outdoors daily. |
außen; außerhalb; nach draußen | outside |
raus; draußen; nach draußen | out |
draußen, außerhalb | outside |
außen,draußen | outdoor(s) |
draußen, im Freien | outdoors |
hinaus; heraus, draußen | out |

They do not care and that means that they just want to be happy, independent and wealthy and do not strive to be a powerful nation like the countries that surround it. It is completely different.
I'm so happy that you wrote to me and I miss you! We are doing great. We have settled in very fast. Luise is going to her kindergarden, Sofia to University and I'm going to work driving my car every day.
At the moment we want to keep Vocabulix free. However, we recently added a donation button at the end of each lesson (by Paypal). You may donate 10$ after completing your next lesson. That will do.
I'm so happy that you wrote to me and I miss you! We are doing great. We have settled in very fast. Luise is going to her kindergarden, Sofia to University and I'm going to work driving my car every day.
At the moment we want to keep Vocabulix free. However, we recently added a donation button at the end of each lesson (by Paypal). You may donate 10$ after completing your next lesson. That will do.